Game Design

Tova Sarah BELE (she/her)
Vienna – AUSTRIA

Tova Sarah BELE (she/her)
Vienna – AUSTRIA

Ski Challenge (2023)

3D race track design & creation: We developed a spline based track editor that procedurally created track and collision geometry. I then tested, iterated and finished the tracks.
Once the tracks played well, I populated them using in-house crowd and VFX systems, added environment animations and scripted events.

Terrain modelling, camera editing: Terrain background was modelled based on actual LIDAR and geologic research data, processed in Blender 3D and then converted for shading and texturing in the game engine.
Camera work included cinematographic creation, placement, animation, multi-track editing and triggers for pre- and post-race cameras.

Ski Challenge (2023)

Character animation: I edited poses for racing, which were then procedurally combined with IK animations derived from movement physics. For this I created blend trees and conditional animation layers.
Outside the race mode, I created emotion poses for post-race reactions.

UI & UX design and implementation I created in-game HUD user interface designs, assets and placed them in the game. I also created in-game menus for the frontend, shop, competitions, outcomes and reward screens.
This included 2D artwork both pixel and vector based, VFX animations and creation of the hierarchical menu structures.